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You can use MyCode, also known as BB Codes to add effects or formatting to your posts. MyCodes are a simplified version of HTML and is used in a similar format to HTML tags which you may already be familiar with.

The table below is a quick guide of the MyCodes available:

[bold]This text is bold[/bold]This text is bold
[italic]This text is italicized[/italic]This text is italicized
[underline]This text is underlined[/underline]This text is underlined
[s]This text is struck out[/s]This text is struck out
[url]https://www.example.com/[/url]https://www.example.com/URLs will auto-link if proper protocol is included (vaild protocols are http, https, ftp, news, irc, ircs and irc6).
[quote]Quoted text will be here[/quote]
Quoted text will be here
[*quoteusr='Admin' dateline='01-01-2000, 12:00AM']Quoted text will be here[/*quoteusr]
@Admin Wrote:
(01-01-2000, 12:00AM)
Quoted text will be here
This format is used when quoting posts. dateline format is dd-mm-yyyy, time.
[*html]Text with preserved formatting[/*html]
Text with preserved formatting
[embed]<?php echo "Hello world!";?>[/embed]This tag is used to display files. Supported formats are (PNG, JPG, JPEG, GIF, MP3, MP4, PDF, TXT, HTML FILES, etc).
[img=50x50]https://secure.php.net/images/php.gif[/img]Format is width x height
[color=red]This text is red[/color]This text is redCan use either CSS color name or HEX code.
[size=large]This text is large[/size]This text is largeAcceptable values: xx-small, x-small, small, medium, large, x-large, xx-large
[size=30]This text is 30px[/size]This text is 30pxAccepts number from 1 to 50
[font=Impact]This font is Impact[/font]This font is ImpactFont must be installed on your computer
[align=center]This is centered[/align]
This is centered
Acceptable values: left, center, right, justify
[*]List Item #1
[*]List Item #2
[*]List Item #3
  • List item #1
  • List item #2
  • List Item #3
[*]List Item #1
[*]List Item #2
[*]List Item #3
  1. List item #1
  2. List item #2
  3. List Item #3
1 can be used for a numbered list, a can be used for an alphabetical list, i for a roman numerals list.
A line that[hr]dividesA line that
[video=youtube]https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dQw4w9WgXcQ[/video]Currently accepts Dailymotion, Facebook, LiveLeak, Metacafe, Mixer, MySpace TV, Twitch, Vimeo, Yahoo Videos and YouTube.

In addition, administrators may have created more MyCodes for use. Please contact an administrator to find out if there are any and on how to use them.